北野天満宮の七不思議、その1 (The Seven Wonders of Kitano Tenman-gu Shrine, Part 1)







My eldest daughter also participates in sightseeing tour in Kyoto today. I went to find the Seven Wonders of Kitano Tenmangu.

My eldest daughter’s husband is Kyoto, but I did not know the Seven Wonders.
Tenjin was full of students this day. Recently, students in kimono are also. The kimono figure of the girl was to be loved.

Well, about the seven wonders.

Part 1.

As I passed through the torii, it was immediately visible on the right. It is said that the Buddhist temple (the bone of the Buddha), who had been treasured, always flew from Dazaifu, who was left behind, and was caught in this pine after his death.

It is believed that this stupa was received from the monks of the Tendai sect.
It should be noted that when the first snow falls, it is said that Doshin will poetry on this pine, and even now, if the first snow falls, the first snow festival will be held where the brush is painted, brushed and painted on the pine.

北野天満宮 七不思議1 影向松



■Access to Kitano Tenmangu

· City bus 50 · 101 system from JR Kyoto Station
· City bus 55 from JR · Subway Nijo Station
・ 203 lines from JR Marumachi Station
· City bus 51 · 102 · 203 from subway Imadegawa Station
· City bus 102 · 203 from Keihandecho Yanagi Station
・ From Keihan Sanjo Station 10 city buses
・ From Hankyu Omiya Station City bus 55 system
· City bus 203 from Hankyu Saiin Station
・ A 5-minute walk from Keifuku Train Hakumeicho Station

Get off at Kitano Tenman-gu Shrine immediately


にほんブログ村 旅行ブログ 京都旅行へ
